Using a strong connection with Spirit, healing energy is channeled into the body/aura and chakras (energy centers) to promote
healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
For health and well-being in the physical there must be
an even flow of energy in all parts of our life.
During the session you are fully clothed. You may be guided to
take a breath, describe what you are feeling, meditate upon a particular image or you may be guided to stay with whatever
you are feeling in your body.
The sessions may happen in complete silence or guidance may be offered as it comes from
Spiritual Healing does not focus on symptoms but rather on cause, just as in a Psychic /Intuitive Guidance session,
underlying issues may have to be addressed before "symptoms" are resolved.
Healing is not necessarily the
removal of symptoms or dis-ease.
Healing is defined as inner peace and living in such a way that we are in harmonious
flow with our Higher Selves and the Divine.
Sometimes healing means learning to live graciously and joyously with an
illness, sometimes it means approaching death without fear.
Usui/Tibetan &
Karuna Reiki® among other energy healing techniques may also be used within the session.